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Managed Account Fee

2% account management fee, one time only.

48% performance fee from profit per month.

We try our best to make profit. Click here to see our Forex Managed Accounts Performance.

If Fund manager failed to generate any profit at the end of calendar month then client will not pay 48% Forex managed account performance fee. So, monthly Forex managed account performance 48% fee is applicable on new net profits only. No profit means no monthly performance fee.

Monthly 48% Account Management Fee Example Number A:

=> Trader "A" opens a US$ 15,000/- Forex Trading Account.

=> Next allows the Fund manager to do trades on behalf of him.

=> After 30 days of trading, the client's trading account gains 10% new net profit which in this case is US$ 1,500/-

=> The client will pay 48% performance fee to Fund manager from profit which in this case is US$ 720/-


Monthly 48% Account Management Fee Example Number B:

=> Trader "A" opens a US$ 15,000/- Forex Trading Account.

=> Next allow the Fund manager to do trades on behalf of him.

=> After 30 days of trading, the client's trading account losses 10% which in this case is minus US$ 1,500/-

=> The client will not pay 48% performance fee to Fund manager because the trading account is not showing the new net profit.


Monthly 48% Account Management Fee Example Number C:

=> Trader "A" opens a US$ 15,000/- Forex Trading Account.

=> Next allow the Fund manager to do trades on behalf of him.

=> After 30 days of trading the account manager first losses 10% money and then gains 10% money at client's trading account.

=> The client will not pay 48% performance fee to me because the Forex trading account is not showing the new net profit.

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